Welcom to my new site.
Submitted by jpsaman on Sat, 05/24/2008 - 09:28
Welcome to my new site.
As you can see it is still under construction, but as time will advance it will gain more information.
A lot has happened in the past years. Apart from my continues work on Open Source Projects, visiting and organising Open Source congresses. I also started a company called M2X in 2004. OK that is almost four years ago now, but it still feels good.
M2X allows me to follow my dream of working with Open Source software during my professional life. Visit the company website for more information about services offered.
Some of you will already know me because of my work for the Open Source community as developer for VLC and organizer of T-DOSE. For those that do not know me yet, follow the links.
Jean-Paul Saman.